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Along with the entire customer happiness team at Extreme Web Technologies; I wish you a Happy New Year 2016!

As 2016 sets in, its time to put those new year resolutions in effect. Did your new year resolution include improving your productivity as a business? If not, make sure to list it down because your employees could be wasting 24% of their day on useless email.

Useless email are SPAM emails that clutter our email inbox every day. It may be cheap for spammers to send SPAM, however, it is very costly for a business on the other end. The following costs are usually associated with SPAM emails:

  • Productivity loss, or waste of time of your employees in reviewing and deleting spam emails.
  • The cost of anti-spam technology.
  • Wasted storage and server resources.
  • Internet data.

Here’s a report from one of our customers account using professional spam filter. They have seen an improvement of 35% emails being blocked by the filter. Think about it for a second, how many is 35% on the report below? That’s 25,000 emails blocked over 3 month period.

Spam Filter Report for 3 Months


Improve the productivity of your business by using a professional spam filter. For a limited time, DOUBLE your storage when you add professional spam filter to your account! Contact us by sending us an email to support (at) for more information.

Improve your company's productivity in 2016 with professional spam filter.

This article was first published on Extreme Web Technologies Blog. This article was written by Mohsin Sumar (@mohsinsumar) and serves as the Technical Director of Extreme Web Technologies. Mohsin with his Customer Happiness team constantly strive to deliver top notch quality web hosting in Tanzania.